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Deemed Registered

450 AHBs were deemed to be registered on 1 January 2022. All AHBs that were deemed to be registered are subject to all aspects of the legislation.

On 1 January 2022, all organisations that were standing approved as AHBs under Section 6 of the Housing Act 1992 were deemed to be registered with AHBRA.

Deemed AHBs have a specific timeframe starting from 1 January 2022 within which to make an application for registration. This current timeframe is determined by the number of dwellings provided or managed by the organisation. The timeframes for registration for deemed AHBs are set out below.

No. of dwellings owned, managed, or leased by the AHB Revised Deadline
300 or more dwellings 31 December 2023*
Between 50 and 299 dwellings 31 December 2024
Less than 50 dwellings 31 December 2025


AHBRA can extend the timeframe for registration where it is of the opinion that compliance with the requirements would be unduly onerous for the AHB.


*In 2023, AHBRA formed the view that compliance with the statutory eligibility and registration requirements was onerous for those AHBs that were required to make an application for registration by 31 December 2023. An extension to the registration deadline was provided by AHBRA to this group of AHBs in accordance with the Act.


An AHB that has been deemed to be registered can make representations to AHBRA requesting that the deemed period be extended. Any representations relating to this must be made in writing before the end of the period specified above.


An organisation that wishes to make representations to extend the registration timeframe should email

Access AHBRA’s policy in relation to Extension Requests to Registration timeframe here.

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